Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Word of The Year.

I've never picked a word of the year before but in keeping with my goal to be more introspective this year, I'm inspired by Thien-Kim at I'm Not the Nanny and NJ at A Cookie Before Dinner to adopt a word as my mantra.

I often admonish Stella, my three year old, to FOCUS when we are trying to accomplish a task like getting dressed. She bounces like Tigger and is easily distracted by little things like the cat walking into the room or even just by her own belly button! But I've come to see that I could use the same admonishment myself. At the very least, I always have my phone with me, no matter what I'm doing. It's probably no surprise to anyone that Facebook is my biggest source of distraction but I also have tendency to perform different household chores at once--like stirring a pot while also emptying the dishwasher while also making a snack for the kids. It's crazy-making and I do find that I get more done, and at better quality when I focus on a task until it's done, plus I feel much less stressed! I don't want to be the type of person that needs to have a million things going on at once. I want to be the type of person that sets out on a task, and completes that task before moving on to the next thing. 
This requires a behavior change, and if you notice, in the previous sentence, I wrote "I want to be the type of person..." As I wrote it, I realized it was no accident! Earlier today, I read a blog post by James Clear on identity-based goals and he says that if you want a goal or habit to stick, you have to start by thinking of yourself as the type of person that accomplishes that goal. Makes total sense to me. 
Focus. That's my word of the year. What's yours? Leave a link in the comments, and I'll come by to support you! 


  1. That's a good word. I too am a multi-tasker and it's not always a good thing! I'm going to check out the James Clear link.

    1. I discovered James Clear via Good.Is and he has a bunch of articles on the site. Here's to new habits!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You read my post! This year is all about being intentional, which is focus's big sister. I think motherhood requires multitasking but there are places where I could drill down my focus a bit too!

    1. A lot of times, I feel like I'd be a better mother if I didn't multitask so much, or try to, anyway! And of course, I read your post!!

  4. Bravo on eeking out a second post this week! Good focus! I have been reading so many posts at SOLT focusing on their word of 2014. I love the idea... good luck with your FOCUS for the year.

    1. Thanks, Bonnie! I should check out some of the SOLT posts. It's been awhile.

  5. I am definitely a bounce around gal. It drives my husband crazy because I'll be telling him something and my brain moves ahead and I stop talking and start a whole new topic. I do this when I am working too!! Very bad habit. I have three words and I don't want to eliminate any so I guess I am breaking the rules.

    1. Oh, I know that habit well! My brain often moves too fast for my husband to follow. LOL. I don't think there are any rules! If three words speak to you, then so be it. Maybe they address different facets of your life, and they will end up working with each other.

  6. I love your word. Perhaps if I focused more I would be more efficient. Something to think about for 2014.

  7. Focus is so good, it's a word I use often, most commonly when directing a nine year old who has wandered into a room, or onto a page, and looks completely lost. As frequently as I say it, I also know that part of what makes being nine so great is that you can wander without focus, at least for now. I love the idea of choosing a word, such a great idea!
