Slice of Life #4

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I call my sister's house the abyss. Lovingly, of course! Alternatively, it's a time warp. I don't know why or how but I seem to lose all sense of time when I'm at Kate's house. I walk in the door at 9:30 and before I know it, it's past dinner time and I'm hollering at my kids to find their shoes and to please pee, for god's sake, before we get in the car and I'm joining a long line of cars in rush hour traffic, which in theory, I should be able to avoid, by a long shot.
It happened again today! I got sucked into a project that I'm working on with Kate. I picked her up before ten so we could do a Community Plates run together. We came back to her house to work on the project, and she ended making me lunch. And there I was, leaving Micah with her so I could run and pick up Stella from school. And of course, Stella wanted to play with her cousin, Laila and I was still working on this thing with Kate. Then, I finally became determined to leave when it was time to go meet Alice's bus. I got the kids all ready to go. Shoes, coats, everything. About to walk out the door. Nope. Not happening. Somehow, I ended up leaving both kids to go meet Alice's bus and bring her back to Kate's house. Before I knew it, Kate was making all the kids dinner while I bounced a drooly baby gnawing on my thumb and tried to figure out how to lift a text off a background (tear-my-hair-out-frustrating, okay, seriously!). And I still haven't figured it out. (I don't want to talk about it anymore, okay?)
I always like to be home before Henry so I can do a little housekeeping and get dinner ready, so I can at least PRETEND I got something done during all those hours he's been gone... because, I admit it, I don't want Henry coming home to a messy, chaotic scene though he often does and I totally blame Kate. I do.  I'm easily plied with coffee and lunch. I'm a total sucker. That's totally on me. But it's still Kate's fault.

(Do you hear me, Kate? Are you reading this?!.... Coffee tomorrow?)

But on a more serious note, I'm doing kind of a sucky job with my word of the year, FOCUS. I've been collecting inspirational quotes and things to a board on Pinterest but I clearly need to pin it to my brain because it ain't sticking...

Follow Nancy Cavillones's board Focus (Word of the Year) on Pinterest.


  1. How wonderful to have a partner in crime to pass the days with! I'm sure your time together was focused and intentional. Those are good things!

  2. At least you narrowed down a word of the year! You focused..on just one word. Ok, that was bad.
    I feel the same way about my older sister. Time moves like water through our hands.

    1. Ha. That's punny. :) Sisterhood is a strange thing...


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