Winter's Last Hurrah

Friday, March 8, 2013

I swear, it is just a coincidence that my last blog post was written during a blizzard. We didn't have a blizzard today but Winter did get one last wallop in, dumping ten plus inches on us. In fact, it's still snowing. That picture is from 7am this morning, when we already had 9 inches and it is 3pm right now. So, do whatever math you want.

  1.  I have another commission for Wake Robin, the small shop, formerly of Briarcliff Manor, that sold my crayon rolls last year. Megan moved shop to Croton and ordered some crayon rolls for her Spring opening. 
  2. Kim Werker, besides being my awesome camp counselor back in the day, is a writer and all-around creative person. In her last newsletter, she proposed a creative exercise: write her a letter, describing a fear regarding your own creativity. After days of thinking about it, I finally went ahead and wrote her the letter. If she talks about my letter on her blog, I'll share the link with you all. In the meantime, take up the challenge yourself, or at the very least, subscribe to Kim's newsletter! Kimagination Station Internet Funtimes 
  3. Today is the International Women's Day. To honor the day, Pathways Togo published two stories, written by RCPVs that did their service in Togo, and now work with Pathways Togo: The Strength of Afi, by Danielle Naugle, a board member and Dada: The Future of Togo, written by Tamara Mack, our senior coordinator, based in Togo. 
  4. Last month, I took The Practice of Writing with Alice Bradley, the author of Finslippy. Registration is now open for the third session and I recommend it, if you want to get started on a regular writing practice. 
  5. Speaking of writing, I just finished On Writing by Stephen King. I have never read any of his books, because the one or two movies I've seen scare me enough. But what a great book! The book had me laughing out loud, and I loved his practical, straightforward advice on getting down to the business of writing. 
  6. Speaking of reading, I'm currently reading Raising Cubby by John Elder Robinson. I'll be writing about the book a little more next week, when I do my post for From Left to Write but one of the reasons I signed up to read the book is that I'm always interested in the parenting experiences of parents with "challenges." The author has Asperger's and writes about raising his son, who also has Asberger's. I've been trying, as usual, to pay attention to how being deaf affects my parenting, especially as the girls get older. 
I'm out of steam. Someday, I'll post something more than a list and pictures. Someday. (Actually, next week, when I write about Raising Cubby...)


  1. We've had the snow like that, too. It seems to happen every Tuesday now. Even yesterday when it was warm and I swear I saw the sun, when the TKD owner walked into the studio, she was *covered* in snow from just the walk from her car. Fortunately, it was a short lived dump, but ... I'm ready for winter to go away!


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